While prateik gets busy in parking, pari gets down along with ayu, and goes inside the hospital. But finally she pleases prateik too, by confessing that she loves him too much, and he would always be her first love. They get into a romantic chatter, with pari teasing prateik about the fact that prateik has been duly replaced by ayu, as pari’s BABU. Prateik says that she has forgotten him ever since ayu came in their lives. She says that she too would be a good mother like arti. He teases her saying that she would have to live upto her teacher’s teachings. She shows the diary that arti has written for her, giving her all the instructions. Pratiek however is very nervous about being naive in han dling a baby for the first time. Pari and prateik takes care of the child, readying him to go for vaccination. Yash and arti tell each other, that they would miss the other. Buaji too comes in and says that she’s waiting for a along time, and they would miss the flight if they dont leave now. To be able to spend some more time, yash asks arti to arrange his stuff again, but arti teases him saying that he too needs a vaccination. Arti tells yash everything that he needs to know about his requirements.

Vidhi again starts teasing that this statement is only meant for arti. Radha and arti advise prateik on whats to be done with the baby, and also take him for the vaccination.

Arti rushes back and saying I LOVE YOU, rushes off again. They romantically gaze into each other’s eyes, reminisceing romantically, intimate past moments.(TUM HI HO)She scares him saying that suraj has entered the room, and he grows conscious, and arti finds this time, to escape from his grip, and run off, while he stands sad. Arti remembers how she had confessed her love to him, with the poetry. He corners her against the wall, locking her in his arms, not allowing her space to move. Yash asks her to miss it then, as she would the only person there along with him, and they can be with each other then. Arti says that they all would make fun of her then, and asks him to let her go, else she would miss her flight. Yash tells her to say clearly then, that she cant be without him.

arti says that then radha will also stay back then. While yash is flirting with her, arti is in a fix what to do.
#Punar vivah 150 update#
Punar Vivah 17th May 2013 Written Episode, Punar Vivah 17th May 2013 Written Update